Author Archives: Andrej Thurzo

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Correction of disinformation about regenerative medicine in mass media

Category : news

We have requested correction of various misleading articles about our recent bio-printing efforts in Slovak mass media. Our aim is to provide correct information from the field of regenerative medicine also to laypersons.

Official approved message is here:

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First bioprinter in the medical faculty in Bratislava

Bratislava August 16, 2016: Medical Faculty of the Comenius University in Bratislava (Faculty of Medicine) may be due SSRM boasts new unique Additions – 3D biotlačiarňou. New Constitution on simulation and virtual medical education Faculty is able to 3D print living cells. Thanks to the new bioprinter @ Comenius University medical students get new opportunities to research in the universe of regenerative medicine. “Bioprinting has huge potential in the near future,” emphasize the pioneer of 3D printing in medicine at MD PhD. Andrej Thurzo, MPH, MHA. ” In the future, it will be common to print a replacement of damaged tissue or organ from a patient’s own cells. This will prevent tissue rejection in transplantation and the patient also will not have to undergo immunosuppressive treatment, “says MD. Thurzo. Bioprinter (Inkredible) at the Faculty of Medicine in Bratislava is the first of its kind in Slovakia. It will serve the students and faculty who will be able to contribute to the frontier of knowledge in the research world of 3D printing living cells. Thanks to this bioprinter it will also be possible to implement interesting topics diploma work or work of students’ scientific and professional activities.

Slovak Society for Regenerative Medicine has won a grant competition Tatrabanka Foundation in order to receive the first bioprinter in Slovakia, which this summer has served to medical students @ LFUK under leadership of MUDr.Andrej Thurzo. This made foundations for regenerative medicine in Slovakia.

Perhaps in the next few years there will be young experts between graduates of Faculty of Medicine experts among young doctors who will invest a piece of their life energy the further development of regenerative medicine, which will inevitably change the paradigm of medicine as we know it today.

prvý bioprinter na LFUK Inkredible by Thurzo

First bioprinter @ LFUK  – Inkredible
All-metal 3D printer to print living cells with chemically resistant surface suitable for sterilization. XY has a resolution of 10 mm packing and vertically 2.5μm. Curing through UV 365nm LED. The maximum amount that can push them 130MM 100MM x 85mm x 100mm in size layers.


By default, PRINTING WITH the two heads directly into a petri dish hydrogels (CELLINK, SUPPORTINK, ultra-pure alginate or biodegradable bioink). In particular, biodegradable bioinks are suitable when it is desired to support a scaffold to be gradually dissolved and replaced by native tissue.

bioprinter v Printevni LFUK
Biotlačiareň Inkredible vytvorila základy pre rozvoj regeneratívnej medicíny na LFUK

Summer 2016, a group of medical students led MUDr.Thurza calibrated first bioprinter the Faculty of Medicine.

prvý úspešný výtlačok nosa z biotlačiarne
prvý bioprinting na LFUK

The first successful copy of bio printer – 3D model of a small nose from bioink.